Despite being one of the longest running manga series, Eichiro Oda’s One Piece still retains its popularity. This year, the manga turns 20 and of course, for something this momentous, there ought to be something special to mark the occasion.
There is, in fact, something special and it’s in the form of a customised Seiko watch made by Imperial Enterprise, who is well known for producing other commemorative One Piece timepieces as well.
The watch’s design looks pretty good and it’s based off Seiko’s 7T92 chronograph movements and comes with a deep red painted dial plate, the image colour of the Monkey D. Luffy.
The small second pointer imitates the flag of the Straw Hat Pirate and a compass. That’s not all the 20th-anniversary logo and an edition number are engraved on the back of the watch. To top it all off, it comes with its own Luffy red memorial box to be housed in.
Imperial Enterprise’s online store PREMICO has already opened the watch up for pre-orders and it’ll be going for 48,384 Japanese yen (About RM1,800 or 21,880 Philippine pesos).
The watch is a limited edition item and there are only 5,000 pieces available so you might want to head over and order it now, which you can do so HERE. Once that’s done, you’ll just need to wait till January 2018, which is when the watch is expected to be released and delivered to their buyers.