2. A cafe area and foods vendors
If there was one thing that kind of set this year’s CF apart, it was the abundance of choice when it came to food and beverages (F&B). In previous CFs, it wasn’t common to have actual food inside the hall. This time round however, CF managed to wrangle quite a number of F&B vendors to hawk their wares and they even had a specific area on the Mezzanine floor of the halls for them.
This was great especially since previous CFs, food was never allowed inside the convention area. As a result, attendees would have to go outside the hall to find food. With the various F&B booths like Sakae Sushi, Thyme Out and La Petite Fox (which even had it’s own room), it allowed convention goers to feed themselves and continue staying in the hall, saving them a lot of hassle. The best part was, it kept in line with the “Food” theme that was set for this years CF.

As a bonus, CF even designated an area with tables and chairs that allowed convention goers to rest and eat, which was a very well thought out move. Not only did it keep people from eating *everywhere* but it also provided people a place to chill if they did’t want to hang around elsewhere.
La Petite Fox’s maid cafe concept was also a nice touch and considering the massive queue to get in, a pretty big success as well. We have to note that the prices of the food were a bit higher than average, but hey, we’d gladly pay that extra for the extra convenience!