4. Two stages at different ends of the hall


Typicallym, a convention would only have one stage, or in some cases two but rarely are the distance between each far enough that they won’t interfere with each other. Imagine two stages side-by-side with each programs and announcers criss-crossing. It can make for a pretty confusing experience.

This time round however, with the hall being as big as it was, it was possible for CF to have two separate stages at each end of the convention. There was the main stage that hosted the usual CF events and headliners, and there was Garena’s own stage for their their own gaming competition.


With the arrangement as it was you could easily have things going on at both ends of the hall without their accompanying din and noise to interfere with each other. This also allowed attendees to visit either one at their leisure. So considering the pretty decent arrangement of the stages this year, we do hope CF will at least keep this aspect of the convention when they come back in 2016.



So there you have it, the best things we found about Comic Fiesta 2015. Of course it goes without saying that aside from the whole convention arrangement itself, the people you meet at CF will always the best part. That being said, we couldn’t have all that fun without the organisers of the event, so kudos for bringing us another awesome convention this year!

How about you? What part of Comic Fiesta 2015 did you love? Let us know in the comments.