GameStart Asia 2015

With GameStart Asia 2015 hitting starting up this weekend, those of you who are headed to Singapore will have a ton of things to do when you’re there. Here’s just some of the things you should check out while you’re over there.

1. The Star Wars: Battle Pod

Star Wars: Battlepod

Thanks to the Star Wars fans over at Geek Culture, this year visitors to GameStart 2015 will be able to get a one of kind space battle experience with the Star Wars: Battle Pod. This isn’t just any arcade game as it brings the whole space battle simulation up a notch.

It features a dome shaped screen giving players the experience of actually flying a space ship. There’ll be a choice of iconic Star Wars vehicles for players to take control off as well as a variety of cool locations that they can experience, including the Death Star. Any Star Wars fan worth their salt should not miss this exhibit.

2. Sony Playstation VR

Playstation VR

With virtual reality making quite a big splash in the gaming world, you shouldn’t pass up the chance to try out Sony’s own take on the tech. Sony will be showcasing its Playstation VR gear during the course of GameStart Asia 2015 and visitors who have pre-registered before will be able to personally try out the tech during the convention.

For those of you who were unlucky enough to not register in time, you can head over to the booth and check out the Playstation games they’ll be showcasing including Call of Duty: Black Ops II’s Shadows of Evil and Fallout 4.  They’ll also be showcasing upcoming games like Star Wars: BattleFront and Street Fighter V. 

3. Gamestart Asia 2015 Business Day Conference

Business Day Conference

While there’s the whole consumer part of the show, this year, GameStart Asia has also included a more industry-focused Business Day on 13 November. If you’re looking to break into the business of game development, this is something you’d really want to attend.

Themed “Gaming in Asia: Trends and Insights”, the Business Day activities and talks include Ubisoft Singapore’s Senior Producer, Hugues Ricour who will be sharing his views on how AAA HD titles have put Singapore on the map. There’s also plenty of other talks from experts in the industry including reps from Facebook, Mad Catz and Twitch among others.

Get your tickets for it here if you’re interested and you better do it fast as it seems they’ll be sold out pretty soon.

4. Gentle Love music performance

Gentle Love

What’s a convention without some entertainment (granted the whole of GameStart 2015 could be considered an entertainment spectacle in itself). This year’s Gamestart 2015 has brought in Gentle Love, a musical duo from Japan that includes saxophonist Norihiko Hibino, the composer for Bayonetta and the Metal Gear Solid series, and the pianist AYAKI.

Together they will be performing a number of well-known game music pieces that’ll definitely appeal to many an otaku and gaming geeks out there.

5. Game On! Cosplay Runway Showcase

Cosplay Showcase

Then there’s the cosplay. No convention is complete without it. If you’re a cosplayer, make sure you’re there in your best costume possible. GameStart 2015’s special cosplay guests will be roaming the floors on 14 November between 1pm to 3pm and 4pm to 6pm to choose 10 lucky cosplayers to participate in the Cosplay Runway Showcase.

That’s of course if you haven’t yet qualified for it when you applied to join here. At the end of the Showcase, three lucky winners will be winning themselves some exciting prizes from the GameStart 2015 sponsors.

But even if you’re not a cosplayer yourself, you should still check out the showcase as then you’ll get a taste of how dedicated the cosplayers are in preparing the best costumes for the show.

So there you have it, some of the stuff you should really check out at GameStart 2015. Mind you this aren’t the only things that you can check out there as there’ll be tons of contests, exhibitions and loot to check out for the whole three days. If you haven’t gotten your tix yet, you better head over here to get them. They’re running out fast.

Need more info on the convention? Then head over to GameStart 2015’s official page here.