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Small hands? now there’s a PlayStation 4 controller for you.

Sony's got a new, tiny controller for their PS4 called the Mini Wired Gamepad, great for the young'uns or those with small hands. Japanese peripheral...

PlayStation management gets shook as CEO steps down

Andrew House, the President and Chief Executive Officer for Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) is stepping down after a 27 year tenure. House has been around...

The Sony PlayStation 4 Pro is up again for cheaps in Malaysia

The Sony PlayStation 4 Pro has just returned at literally the lowest price the console is sold. What sets the Pro apart from the "regular"...

PlayStation Experience 2017 Southeast Asia

Malaysia's first ever PlayStation Experience 2017 Southeast Asia took place last weekend, and wow it was certainly something else. It's very, very rare to get...
Playstation Experience 2017 banner

PlayStation Experience 2017 South East Asia, Kuala Lumpur

Presenting the first ever PlayStation Experience 2017 South East Asia (SEA)! Play the latest game builds from E3 2017, meet up with your fellow gamers and celebrate all things PlayStation in beautiful Kuala Lumpur!

First ever PlayStation Experience South East Asia to take place in Kuala Lumpur

Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited Singapore Branch (SIES) is pleased to announce that it will hold the PlayStation Experience 2017 South East Asia...

PlayStation Now lets you play PS4 games on your PC

Sony has now updated their cloud-based PlayStation Now service to include PS4 games, so that means we can now play those games on the...

Sony halts PlayStation 3 shipments in Japan

Sony recently reported that it will be no longer shipping PlayStation 3 consoles in Japan and they will no longer be stocking the console...

Sony will be discontinuing the PlayStation 3 in Japan

It was only a matter of time till the PlayStation 3's death knell actually sounded, and it seems to be sooner than we thought. There's...
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