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Summer Lesson gets VR Porn parody

It was only a matter of time till Bandai Namco's Summer Lesson VR experience got spoofed into a VR porn parody. The erotic clone in...

Bandai Namco brings us a life-sized Hikari figure from Summer Lesson

If you've ever wanted to bring Summer Lesson's Hikari Miyamoto to life, Bandai Namco will be producing a human sized figure of your virtual...

Summer Lesson gets two more promo videos

Bandai Namco has dropped two new English subbed videos for Summer Lesson; one featuring Hikari in a maid outfit and another interacting with her...

Summer Lesson’s new add on pack will let you ‘touch’

Bandai Namco's just announced a new add-on pack for Summer Lesson, and it will let you "feel like you're actually touching the character in...

Bandai Namco announces English localisation for Summer Lesson

Sony's first PlayStation VR exclusive game is heading our way in English, with Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto coming early 2017. Summer Lesson will still be...

PlayStation VR is now the official name for Sony’s Project Morpheus

PlayStation VR is the new name of Project Morpheus

The live-action Terraformars movie cast and release date revealed

Earlier this year we heard that the live-action Terraformars movie had found its main star, and now they've released not only the full cast...