Nintendo’s just announced that players who pick up Pokemon Gold or Silver will be able to unlock a Celebi for their copies of Pokemon Sun and Moon.

That’s right, those who are buying Pokemon Gold or Silver on the Nintendo 3DS’s Virtual Console will get a special code that will unlock a Celebi for their SuMo games or Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!

Celebi is one of the legendaries in Gold and Silver, but like Mew, it was only given out during special distribution events, never as a catchable Pokemon.

In order to get the special code, you need to buy either game on 22 September, not a day earlier or later. Buyers will also get two special Pokemon themes for their 3Ds as well.

The Celebi in question will come in at Level 30 and will have Heal Bell, Safeguard, Ancient Power & Future Sight moves.

The code will be operational until 21 September 2018, so if you’re intending on using it, do it asap.