We all know that Marvel‘s Dr. Strange movie is currently in the works; to be the next big movie that hits after Captain America: Civil War. Now they’ve begun production and released the roster of main cast for the upcoming movie.

In a nutshell  “Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions. He will be portrayed by none other than Benedict Cumberbatch who signed on to the project last year.

The main cast also includes Chiwetel Eijofor (Serenity) , Rachel McAdams (Mean Girls), Michael Stuhlbarg (Men in Black 3), Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal, Star Wars Rogue One) as well as Tilda Swinson (Chronicles of Narnia). Their roles haven’t yet been revealed (beside’s Cumberbatch’s anyway) but these will likely surface in the months to come.

They have also revealed the team who is working on the movie; most of them having worked on at least one Marvel film. Scott Derrickson is the film’s Director, Ben Davis as director of photoraphy, Charles Wood as production designer. Alexandra Byrne will be the show’s costume designer alongside editors Wyatt Smith and Sabrina Plisco, visual effects supervisor Stephane Ceretti and ACE.

Dr. Strange is set to be one of the weirder movies set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so we expect the film to be pretty darn spectacular. The movie will open in theaters 4 November 2016, almost an entire year from now so hopefully there will be an official trailer within the next few months.