After their successful collaboration with Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+, Medibang is now teaming up with Koadansha to launch the next big manga contest that might launch your manga to fame in Japan.

The winner will have their manga published in the Weekly Shonen Magazine’s manga app and they will get an editor assigned to them to help them develop said manga.

Entries can be submitted in English, Korean, Spanish, French, Russian and Chinese (traditional and simplified) which will be translated to Japanese by MediBang’s translation team before its submitted to the editor.medibang manga

Submissions are open from now till 12 January 2017, and entries are to be submitted through MediBang‘s website. The pieces should be completed one-shot stories that are a maximum of 50 pages in length, and can be oriented either left to right or right to left.

Head on over to their website for more information, and if you’re entering, good luck!