One of most beloved anime production studio, Kyoto Animation or KyoAni has announced an adaptation of Musaigen no Phantom World/無彩限のファントム・ワールド or Myriad Colours Phantom World via its Twitter recently.
「無彩限のファントム・ワールド」のアニメ化が決定しました!詳細は続報をお待ちください!— 京都アニメーション (@kyoani) August 14, 2015
The adaptation is based on the light novel that is completed in 2013, as written by Souichirou Shinno, received a honourable mention in 4th Kyoto Animation Awards in 2013. This annual award is specifically for looking for materials to be adapted by said studio. KyoAni introduced the world a the slew of famous series like Haruhi Suzumiya, Free!, Lucky Star and recently concluded Euphonium. Of course, their record is not always consistent, they did shows like Nichijou too.
The official synopsis of the novel is:
“In the near future, spirits and monsters are in full sight. A boy leads a group of people with special abilities as they plot against a massive organization that takes advantage of a certain incident and eventually know the truth about their world in the process.
Tagline: Is the world the real thing…? Or is it a mere phantom…?”
Source: Twitter
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