The main star of Gotham, Ben McKenzie had a candid interview with Entertaiment Weekly and admits Season One has some issues with the storytelling. He is promising that the upcoming season will be “exactly what the fans want to see.”
The villain of the week format is not working and some fans are not happy with the setup. The star admits it:
“I think we made a mistake relatively early on in trying to introduce a villain and take care of that villain in one episode: catch them, send them to Arkham, do whatever. That was just a mistake. We should’ve never done it.
We were ordered for 16 [episodes]. We were going to have one break and come back and finish the rest of them in terms of the airing, and then we added six more, so we had to break again and then we had to come back again. And it’s hard for the audience to follow that many changes in a series in terms of when it’s airing and when it’s not. […]
The audience really wants to understand who these people are and live with them, sit with them and enjoy them. Whether they’re evil or good, they are entertaining. So that’s what we’re doing in season 2. [It’s] really kick ass. I think it’s exactly what the fans want to see.”
We shall see if his promise is true or not on 21 September 2015.
Source: Entertaimnet Weekly
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