steam summer sale 2015

Steam Summer sale is just around the corner, as leaks point towards a 11 June 2015 date for Steam’s biggest sale of the year.

According to Russia’s IGN, Valve’s official VKontrakte page (a popular social network in Russia) announced that the sale will be happening from 11 June all the way to 20 June. The leaks are also pointing at the sale possibly will be ending with a “Sale Encore” which will involve all the companies who have participated in the sale. The actual event is stated to end on 22 June but other details are still up in the air.

At any rate, be prepared for crazy title markdowns all the way down to 75% which is common for games that have been out for over a year and smaller (but still sometimes substantial) discounts for very new titles like The Witcher: Wild Hunt would be in the realm of 10 – 15% if it’s discounted at all. In any case, prepare to bleed sweet blood for your discount games and save up.

Via Destructoid

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