The contest is over and we’ve chosen the winners for our Star Wars: The Force Awakens giveaway! With just over a hundred entries, it did take us some time to choose the winners but choose we did and now here are they are. We did mention that there would be two winners, but as a bonus, we’ve also chosen two consolation winners.

So here are the winners of our contest:

First prize winner: Amirul Ashaff

Slogan: If I could use The Force, I would… prank people because why? Because Sith happens, that’s why.

You win:

Star Wars Giveaway Winners prize

1 X POP! Kylo Ren Vinyl Bobble-Head
1 X POP! Captain Phasma Vinyl Bobble-Head
1 X POP! First Order Flame Trooper Vinyl Bobble-Head

Runner-up: Andre Chan Ka Lay

Slogan: If I could use The Force, I would… brainwash myself I will. Pretend that the three Star Wars prequel movies never existed I must.

You win:

Star Wars Giveaway Runner up

1 X POP! Clone Trooper Vinyl Bobble-Head
1 X Lego Star Wars Shaak Ti minifig Key Chain
1 X Disney Infinity 3.0 Yoda notebook

Consolation winners:

Felicia Teo Poh Eng

Slogan: If I could use The Force, I would…“persuade” my boss to raise my salary.

Chan Chui Mun

Slogan: If I could use The Force, I would…bring down the fuel price in Malaysia. Flying my aXia-Wing is getting more and more expensive these days!

You two win:

Star Wars Giveaway consolation

1 X Lego Star Wars C-3P0 minifig Key Chain
1 X Star Wars Rebels Stationary set

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you all for joining. We will be dropping an email to the winners on how to collect your prizes very soon.