Bonus question!

What is your opinion on Kylo Ren’s saber design for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens? 

This is a touchy question and one I must tread carefully. I personally think it is a cool design and very medieval. Kinda like a knight’s broadsword. As for practicality, it should be fine. We have a member in FAST who is a student of Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) and they used a broadsword during their training.

Also a very popular topic of debate: how doesn’t he slice his own wrists off

The crossguard is actually an integral part of the technique during a swordfight. You can do a lot of attack, counter, and defence with it that a traditional lightsaber (based on the katana) can’t do. So I can’t wait to see how they will implement such elements into the new movie.

If you have any more questions regarding lightsabers or lightsaber performing arts in general, feel free to hit up Vincent or the guys at FAST via email or Facebook and we hope this guide will ease you down the path to picking up your first saber!