Just Cause, one of the most popular franchises on the Playstation platfrom is back for the third time, as announced by its creator, Avalanche Studios.
Four years have passed, so what can we expect from this new iteration?
Just like its predecessor, the game is situated in an open world sandbox style.
The studio said that it will improve the airborne mechanics involving parachutes and grappling hooks with great focus on vertical movements, with added factors that are synonymous with the franchise – destruction and mayhem.
The game world is situated in the Mediterranean with addition of volcanic terrain for more vertical fun. This is consistent with developers effort to encourage players to be creative while airborne. However, so far, the game will be single player only. So no jumping around with friends.
Just Cause 3 will be airborne in 2015 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. No confirmation if the game will support the old PS3 and XBox 360.
Source: Gameinformer
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