Pokemon go main pic

A new Pokemon Go update has been released bringing the much wanted Nearby tracking system back. It’s now complete with an even better upgrade. This comes as the game gets an update that has also worked out some kinks in the app.

The new Nearby system has been changed to “Sightings” which also shows you an image of the Pokestop you can find a particular Pokemon at.pokemon go sightings

This is a great update from the previous system that only gave you a teaser for the general critters in the area instead of actually pointing them out (aside from the grass anyway). And before that, it was just footsteps.

While the system now shows less Pokemon than before, it at least tackles the issue of displaying duplicate critters as well as updating their list more often.

All in, you will still need to wander around to capture those Pokemon but at least you’ll have a better general idea of where to go. pokemon go findthem

The improvement in the tracking system isn’t the only thing that the new Pokemon Go update has added. Here’s a few other things that the latest update brings to the table:

  • A pop-up screen warning Trainers that they’re above a certain speed. Trainers must confirm they’re not driving (similar to what Waze does) to continue playing.
  • Curveball throw accuracy has been improved
  • Fixed a bug that prevented “Nice”, “Great”, and “Excellent” Poke Ball throws from awarding the appropriate experience bonuses
  • Fixed achievement showing incorrect Medal icons
  • Allowed Trainers to change their nickname once. (So choose it wisely)
  • Re-enabled the battery saver mode and fixed various issues related to it
  • Added visuals of the Team leaders – Candela, Blance and Spark
  • Minor text fixes

Do you think this is a much-needed Pokemon Go update? let us know in the comments.