McD x nanoblock Collection

If there’s anything we geeks love it’s toys and fast food (well in our Ed’s case, it’s sometimes more of the latter than the former). And if there’s one fast food brand that’s done really awesome in both departments, it’s got to be McDonalds.

This whole October to early November though, they’ve got something pretty awesome coming to Malaysia and it’s got something to do with a whole lotta bricks.

McDonalds gets nanobricked

McD x nanoblock packaging

Ok if you were thinking of another sorta brick, shame on you. What sort of a toy geek are you if you haven’t at least heard of the insanely popular McDonalds x nanobricks series. Yep it’s that series, you know, the one that that debuted in McDonalds Hong Kong. The same one that not even a day from its launch was sold out.

If you haven’t guessed by now, McDonalds is finally bringing into Malaysia! Woot! No more trolling ebay and paying scalp prices!

Ok so there are some of you who might not know what exactly is the McDonalds Food Icons x nanoblocks line? It’s a nanoblock collection that comprises of the iconic McDonalds menu items including the Big Mac, the McFlurry, the Cold Cup, the McCafe, the Apple Pie and of course the awesome McDonalds French Fries.

On top of these 6 iconic McDonalds menu items, there’s also a special designed McDonalds Restaurant nanoblock to complete the entire collection. All seven nanoblocks come fully assembled and no, you can’t disassemble them (or eat them, unless you have a penchant for plastic) since they already come fully built and set.

ebay McD x Nanoblock Big Mac
Seriously? US$13.99 for one? Why not pay RM6 for it when it comes out

And how much can we expect to fork out for the collection you might be asking? Considering that some scalpers are already ebaying them as high as US$13.99 A PIECE, you might be thinking it might not be worth the effort. Why bother with scalpers when you can get it a decent price of RM6 per piece. Yep, just head into your nearest McDonalds, get a meal and the nanoblocks are yours for RM6 a piece (RM8 for the special designed McDonalds Restaurant nanoblock).

McD x nanoblock McD Value meal
Fancy a bricked Value Meal?

So when can we expect to be able to start collecting this awesome McDonald’s Food Icons x nanoblock collection? Starting from the week of October 15 all the way to the week of November 5, you’ll now be able to get your grubby hands on them.

The release schedule for the McDonald’s Food Icons x nanoblock collection will be as follows:

Week 1 : Starts 15 October – Big Mac and Fries

Week 2: Starts 22 October – McFlurry and Apple Pie

Week 3: Starts 29 October – McCafe and Cold Cup

Week 4: Starts 5 November – McDonalds Restaurant

Don’t dilly dally though, if the response from Hong Kong was any indicator, it’s very likely that these nanoblocks will be flying off the shelf like a McDonald’s hotcakes.

McD x nanoblock dessert
Dessert looks pretty good right now

Get your BigMac Chant Game on!

That’s not all that McDonalds has in store either. If you can’t be bothered to buy the collection, you could also win the entire set and on top of that get one month’s supply of BigMacs, and RM500 in cold hard cash.

All you have to do is take part in McDonald’s BigMac Dubsmash contest that’ll be running at the same time as the McDonald’s Food Icons x nanoblock promotion. How to take part?

Ever heard of the Big Mac chant? “Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun”? No? Never? Come on you should have heard the chant before? Well, ole Mickey Ds is on a missions to bring give a modern spin to it, and you’re going to help.

All you have to do is take video of yourself giving a new spin to the Big Mac Chant. Don’t just recite it all plainly though. You gotta give some oomph to it. Short on ideas? Come on, rock it, rap it or if you really wanna get your otaku/geek side on, do a vocaloid version like the one below (we assume it’s the Big Mac Chant in Korean)

You’ll need the Dubsmash app to take part though so remember to download it to your phone. You can get the Android version here or iOS version here. Upload it up on your Instagram account and remember to add in the #samasamabigmac hashtag as well.

Then head on to and register your entry on the website!Once you’ve done all that, voila, you’re in. And as a bonus you instantly win yourself a FREE BigMac. If you’re lucky enough to be chosen as the day’s best video, remember the prizes we mentioned above? All of that’s yours! The best part is, the contest runs for 28 days starting October 15 so you have 28 chances of winning the daily grand prize.

Remember to be as creative as you can. Maybe even cosplay it! It’s all in good fun anyway. We were already sold (actually our Ed was) at the free Big Mac anyway.l