What we have there?

Wow, Sony Pictures is really on aggro mode lately. First Robetech and now this.

Sources at Deadline have reported that Sony Pictures are getting Jay Basu (Monsters: Dark Continent) to write a script based on Konami’s famous tactical stealth game, Metal Gear Solid. According to Deadline, the writer is in demand since Universal hired him to create a still unnamed and upcoming monster movie for them. Director Jordan Vogt-Robers (The Kings of Summer) is still attached to the project.

The project has been ongoing since 2012 when Avi Arad and Hideo Kojima announced that the big screen adaptation of the franchise is going to be a reality. For three years the status of the project was in limbo but today Sony Pictures have finally announced an update.

Still, it’s only the movie’s scribe that has been announced and there is still no information on who will be stepping into the shoes Solid Snake, Big Boss, Otakon or any other of the franchise’s characters. As for when it’s actually going to hit the big screen, well nada there as well. Considering the game itself is a homage to many Hollywood action movies (Solid Snake is a big nod to Kurt Russell’s Snake Plisken) we’re figuring the adapatation would be quite a breeze. Then again, the pretty weird twists the later part of the franchise took could also be and issue but hey, we’re pretty sure Sony Picture’s has something up their sleeves.

Whatever it is, fans will likely welcome this development but obviously with some caution. If history and past adaptations were to be an example, Hollywood adapatations of videogames tend to be subpar and painful to watch (Super Mario Brothers, Street Fighter, anything by Uwe Boll). Also, the possible absence of the game’s creator Kojima, might put the faithful adaptation into a big question.

So here’s to crossing our fingers that at least this particular adaptation will come out at least somewhat decent, and Uwe Boll does not get his grubby fingers anywhere near it.

Via Deadline

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