Two new stills from the upcoming Death Note live action film have cropped up and they feature Detective Ryūzaki, L’s successor. Check them out here.

Playing Ryūzaki is none other than Sousuke Ikematsu; and both Ryūzaki and L share some quirks, such as a unique sitting pose as above.

Last time around, movie stills featuring Tsukuru Mishima (Masahiro Higashide) pursuing the Death Notes, who also happens one of the few members of the “Death Note Counter Measure Headquarters Special Team” and is an expert on the Death Notes.

deathnote ryuzaki_1
That face though

Death Note originally came in the form of a manga where a teen named Light finds a notebook where he could kill people with by simply writing in their names and method of death. The live action film on the other hand has a world beset by global cyber-terrorism in 2016 where the successors of L and Light duke it out over the six Death Notes on Earth.

Why six? apparently only six Death Notes are allowed to exist at once in the human world, and with each comes its own Shinigami (Death Gods) at once so there’s a grand total of six on Earth at any given time. This rule apparently is from the manga itself; with this being the first time its been used in a movie adaptation.

Other cast include Masaku Suda as Yugi Shion, Rina Kawaei as Sakura Aoi, Mina Fujii as SHo Nanase, Erika Toda as Misa Amane (reprising her role from the previous live-action films) with Shinsuke Sato directing the film.

The movie will launch 29 October 2016 in Japan, almost in time for Halloween.

After L