Microsoft’s upcoming OS’s official mascot ( or OS-tan as Japanese fans will call it) got a reveal not long ago. The new OS-tan will be voiced by Ai Nonaka (Asura Cryin’, Amagi Brilliant Park!, Air) but no official name has been given yet. The creators are asking for the fans to send name suggestions for the new mascot by 19 June 2015. Anyone who sent the name suggestion will receive an exclusive rough sketch of the character as desktop wallpaper and five special winners will be selected to receive an autographed drawing by the voice actress herself.
The creators even take trouble in constructing the backstory and lore of the new Windows 10 OS-tan:
“Her origins are the Madobe family and she’s set 100 years in the future. Her hobbies are online gaming, and supporting others. Her personal traits are being an excellent student, and expanding her knowledge on technology. Her manager often worries since she’s a bit spontaneous. She also enjoys cheering on people who are working hard and doing their best. She also has a part-time job at the Akibano Custom Computer Company where she is a rookie.”
Her design suggesting a sleek yet elegant feel, perhaps hinting the direction of Windows 10 by Microsoft.
via PC-Watch
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