
Niantic Labs has just released an update to the Pokemon GO app for Android and with it, comes an improvement that will get some Android users jumping with joy. For all you Intel-based Android device users out there, you can rejoice as now you’ll be able to play the hottest mobile game available.

As we’ve previously highlighted in our Pokemon GO known issues feature, the initial release version of the app on Android could not run on Intel-based Android devices. With the release of the latest version, 0.29.2, this isn’t an issue anymore. So all you Asus ZenFone 2 users out there you can finally download the game (or side-load it if you’re not in any of the launch countries).

The new update comes on the heels of the apps launch in Germany, the first European location to get the game. As a side-note, it also seems that the new version support Android Nougat (N), which, unknown to us, was not supported in the first release of the app. So if for whatever reason your phone is running a beta version of Android N, you can at least enjoy some Pokemon hunting now.

If you’re still impatient to get the game, despite it not really working in your country, we’ve got you covered with the latest version of the Android APK here. Don’t worry, it’s from a pretty legit, malware free source.

For more Pokemon GO related content and news head over here.