While this isn’t exactly Quantic Dream’s Kara, Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University has come up with a pretty lifelike android whose will soon serve as the receptionist for the university. Check out the video here.

The Nanyang Technological University in Singapore specialises in robotics and their subsequent social interactions with people. As such Nadine is made to be “…like a real companion that is always with you and conscious of what is happening.”

Of course, she looks pretty lifelike till she begins to speak and her movements are still a bit jerky but the information she gives is on par with what Siri or Cortana would provide. She even is able to express some emotions as well. Hopefully sans any desire to go on a murderous rampage.

NTU hopes that Nadine will someday be able to perform language and etiquette functions like C-3PO from Star Wars, though she still looks like she has quite a ways to go still. Check her out in action in the video below!
