Ps4 on android phone

A smartphone is a great way to stop boredom. Today’s smartphone’s make browsing the web easier and you can even play games. When it comes to games, you don’t even have to settle for the hundreds of app games available on Google Play. Indeed, you can even play PS4 games on your smartphone.

How? Just by following these simple steps and tricks.

Get yourself PlayStation Remote Play

PS4 remote play

In order to play PS4 games on your Xperia phone, you only need to have PlayStation Remote Play downloaded and installed on your phone. You can find the PS4 remote play on Google Play Store.

Install the app on your phone and you should be good to go.

Allow the app from your PS4

PS4 remote play register

You then need to log into your PS4 and allow the use of PlayStation Remote Play. You can do this by logging into your account and going to the Settings section.

There, you will need to navigate to Remote Play Connection Settings and enable the Remote Play option. It’s a good idea to make sure your PlayStation is in the Rest Mode – you can enable this in the Settings section by navigating to Power Setting Savings. If this is enabled, you can turn the PS4 remotely because it will continuously be on low power state.

Connect the two devices

PS4 remote play connect

Make sure both the PS4 and your Xperia smartphone are on the same Wi-Fi network to continue connecting the devices. Open the Remote Play app and it should now automatically detect the PS4. If this doesn’t happen, you can also follow the instructions displayed on your smartphone. It will guide you through the pairing manually

Add the controller

The great thing about playing PS4 remotely is that you there’s no need to learn new controls as you will be able to play the games with a PS4 controller.

Of course, you can control the basic functions in the app without pairing the controller, but you should pair your controller with your phone. This will help you get a proper gaming experience.

Take the PS4 controller and hold down the Share and PlayStation buttons. When the in-built light flashes, you can move to working on your smartphone.

Open the Bluetooth settings on your phone and search for new devices. You should see the PlayStation controller on the list. Select it and you should now be connecting it. This will allow you to use the controllers as you would when playing the actual PS4.

Now, you should also download a free app called Bluetooth Auto Correct. This will help remove a possible input lag which you might get without the app. Download the app and start it only after you’ve paired the PS4 controller with your smartphone by pressing the Connect Now button.


Start playing


You will now be able to start using the PS4 and play the games directly on your Xperia smartphone. You should open the Remote Play app and you can select and play games as you would. When you want to stop playing, simply hit the PlayStation button on the app or the controller and select the Enter Rest mode button. This will make sure the PlayStation will enter the low-power mode and it won’t use unnecessary power.

Do remember that you will need a solid Internet connection for the above to work smoothly. You’ll also need to test different games to find those that run smoothly, as certain heavier games might feel clunky. Make sure your actual PS4 is connected to the Internet via an Ethernet cable. It’s also a good idea to adjust the frame rate and the resolution in the Remote Play app to have settings that best work with your smartphone and the available Internet connection.

If you don’t have a PS4 or you need an extra pair of controllers, you should check online offers to make your gaming experience more affordable. It can also be a good idea to check second-hand options – you can often find solid options online.

The above only works the with Sony Xperia smartphone’s, so it is a must have device if you want to enjoy PS4 game’s remotely.

If you are on a budget you can check resources such as, it has discount offers available on several smartphone and gaming brands that will help you cut down your cost.