Over the weekend Pokemon Go finally released their first two legendaries, Lugia and Articuno, but they’re nowhere near done.

With the two new legendaries up and about, Niantic’s revealed that Zapdos and Moltres aren’t far behind; the representing legendaries for Team Instinct and Valor respectively. Articuno’s early appearance is likely due to the Pokemon Go Fest that happened this weekend.

However, there’s no real indicator as to when either one will be released, along with when the Pokemon Go Fest attendees will get their promised Lugia giveaway. Suffice to say, actually battling and catching these legendaries in raid battles are pretty tough; given that the Pokemon ARE very strong and you’ll be needing heaps of people to take them down.

Either way, we’ll be keeping our ear out for when the other two legendary birds finally drop, so stay tuned!
