One of the burning questions that people have when talking about modular smartphone concepts like Project Ara or Puzzlephone is this: what to do with the unwanted module(s)? Recently, Puzzlephone came up with an intriguing concept to address this question. Called the Puzzlecluster, it is basically a scalable supercomputer that utilizes old modular parts from the Puzzlephone to become a supercomputer.
Alenjandro Santacreu, CEO of Circular Devices had this to say:
“When developing the PUZZLEPHONE, we always think about the whole cycle, from sourcing components to manufacturing, the device use itself and what to do when the time to upgrade comes. The PUZZLEPHONE Brain is a fully functional low power computer ready to be integrated in the PUZZLECLUSTER. It makes no sense to discard a perfectly working computer just because you have upgraded your smartphone. The PUZZLECLUSTER will extend the usable life of the PUZZLEPHONE Brain modules way beyond any other smartphone processor”

The main aim of Puzzlecluster is minimize wastage and prolong the usage life of the modules. When a user wants to swap the Brain module of the Puzzlephone, he or she can then slot it into the Puzzlecluster to form into a supercomputer. In it’s basic form, the Puzzlecluster will include a power supply unit, internal connectivity for modules, associated peripherals and external connectivity. The machine will also have slots of Battery modules which will be transformed into it’s UPS section.
Before going around to search about where to buy this, sadly the idea only exists as a concept for now. However, if everything works as planned out and thought out to be, it will be an excellent idea of lengthening the lifespan of your phone and/or computer.
Source: Puzzlephone
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