Romantic anime for valentines

All action and no love can make any anime fan dull. As they say, love makes the world go round and sometimes some for good anime viewing as well. Some of the anime listed below can even melt the hearts of the most Yakuza-looking guy into a sensitive man who understands how it’s really like to fall in love.

Some of the anime listed below can even melt the hearts of the most Yakuza-looking guy into a sensitive man who understands how it’s really like to fall in love.  The majority of them also concern celebrating the similarities and the uniqueness of being different. Don’t believe us? Here’s our list (in no particular order) that you should read on.

1. Ore Monogatari (My Love Story)

Oro Mongatari

Speaking of Yakuza-looking guys, the protagonist in this anime, Takeo Gouda is a huge, well built, tough looking fellow who is actually all mushy and sweet in the insides. Unfortunately, he has never had luck with any girls until he rescues Rinko Yamato from a molester in a train. Due to his insecurities, poor Takeo thinks Rinko likes his childhood friend Makoto Sunakawa.

Season one of the anime was aired in Japan in April 2015 with the series adapted by Madhouse based on the ongoing Shōjo manga of the same name written by Kazune Kawahara and illustrated by Aruko in 2011.

A live action film adaptation of this heartfelt charming series was also released on October 31, 2015.

Watch it if: You both enjoy tough looking characters who are actually really mushy.

Official website here.