Sid Meier fans, heads up!
Firaxas Games and 2K Games announced the Sid Meier’s Starships, a follow up to last year’s Civilization: Beyond Earth. The game is scheduled to be available “in early 2015” as digital copy on the iPad, Mac and Windows PC. Starships set in the same timeline and universe as Beyond Earth, Firaxas said that it is building “cross-connectivity” between two titles. This also means the company has something special for people who own Beyond Earth and those who are also buying Starships.

“When designing Starships, I was intrigued by the idea of exploring the next chapter in the story of Civilization: Beyond Earth. What happens after we colonize our new home and eventually build starships to take to the stars? What has become of our long-lost brothers and sisters from the planet Earth?” said Sid Meier, director of creative development at Firaxis, in a press release. “My goal was to create an experience that focuses on starship design and combat within a universe filled with interstellar adventure, diplomacy, and exploration.”
Players will be the commander of the starship and able to customize their fleet for space wars, exploration or diplomacy. As usual, technological research is a key to success and player also will be involved in a political building process like for example, Star Trek’s Federation in order to spread influence across the galaxy. The developers promised dynamic, unique map and combat missions for each campaign.
Get ready to lose that pesky social life and spend hours clicking away again, people?
Via GameSpot
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