Disney really has a lot of fairy tales they want to rehash over the next few years, and with all the Snow White inspired films coming about lately, we’re not surprised that Disney wants to do one of their very own.

As we hear, this film will be a live-action flick centered around Snow White’s somewhat more obscure sister, Rose Red. Justin Merz is the one who originally penned the screenplay, but Evan Daughtery (writer for Snow White and The Huntsman) came on the project and reworked it closer to Disney’s first rendition of Snow White.

The story is a revisionist take that transposes Rose Red into the Snow White tale, making her a key player in the later moments of the classic story. When Snow White takes a bite from the iconic poison apple and falls into her Sleeping Death, her estranged sister, Rose Red, must undertake a dangerous quest with Grumpy and the other dwarfs to find a way to break the curse and bring Snow White back to life.

Not much else is known about the film about this and we’re not sure how they’d handle this take on the story but we’ll hold our judgement till a trailer pops out. Its Disney after all.