The mangaka of the successful Himouto! Umaru-chan, Sankaku Head announced a spin-off manga series on Umaru’s shy, homely and rather busty friend, Nana Ebina.
Titled Akita Imokko! Ebina-chan, it will begin its serialization on Nico Nico Seiga at the end of the November 2015. Akita refers to Ebina’s hometown and she is well known to lapse into her home dialect when she is happy or flustering when Umaru’s brother is nearby.
— サンカクヘッド@ぼくの魔なむすめ (@sankakuhead) October 19, 2015
Translation: “New series announcement! At the end of November, Akita Imokko! Ebina-chan will begin serialization on Nico Nico Seiga and others! I want to create a manga that makes the most of Ebina-chan’s maximum cuteness!”
She is the winner of popularity poll of series, even winning over the main girl herself, Umaru. Besides this, she celebrated her birthday on 19th October with fans pouring their love for her like the latte art below:
ラテアート【海老名 菜々】@干物妹! うまるちゃん
Happy Birthday!#海老名菜々生誕祭2015 @umaru_anime #海老名菜々生誕祭 @akari_kageyama— ベルコルノ@ラテアートと漫画飯 (@BELCORNO) October 18, 2015
Her creator tweeted an entry about her on the eve of her birthday too
— サンカクヘッド@ぼくの魔なむすめ (@sankakuhead) October 19, 2015
And TV staff even have an entry too. That’s just how loved the character reallyis.
海老名ちゃんおめでとう〜〜♪#umaru_anime— TVアニメ『干物妹!うまるちゃんR』 (@umaru_anime) October 18, 2015