CBS and Paramount Pictures have released a full set of guidelines for any Star Trek fan who might want to make some fan films. Check them out here!

The best part about the announcement is that they want to encourage the making of fan material; and will not take legal action or discourage any films made following their new set of guidelines.

The requirements are relatively vast some being simple and others more complex. For starters it must be a non-commercial production, be family friendly and contain the phrase “A STAR TREK FAN PRODUCTION” somewhere in the subtitle but cannot include “Star Trek” in its title.

Also, each piece cannot exceed 15 minutes (per part) and each production cannot exceed a total of 30 minutes; with no additional sequels, sections or series to follow. There’s a whole bunch of “can” and “cannots” that might possibly turn off would be Trekkie film-makers though but its best to hit the full list to see the full scope of restrictions.

The full set of guidelines can be found here.