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Home Tags 20th Century Fox

Tag: 20th Century Fox

Watch 5 minutes of the new Independence Day: Resurgence

The new trailer has plenty of CGI to show off but doesn't neglect the human aspect.   Independence Day: Resurgence is a sequel to the 1996 action science fiction...

An Assassin’s Creed VR experience is in the works

Ubisoft has just announced that they're working on an Assassin's Creed-themed VR experience in partnership with Fox and visual effects house Practical Magic. While the...

Check out what you missed at the Deadpool movie party!

Recently 20th Century Fox and Outpost Productions put together a fan screening for Deadpool and here's the fun stuff you missed! On top of getting...

Deadpool Review

The latest film adaptation of a Marvel comic from 20th Century Fox, NOT Marvel Studios, is a little... different to the usual fare like...

The Gambit movie has just lost its director

Gambit movie hit another snag as the director exits the production

Here’s the first look at the Assassin’s Creed movie

First glimpse of the Assassin's Creed movie that did not reveal too much so far

Here’s some updates on War of the Planet of the Apes casting

The third installment of the Apes franchise is set to film end of this year and found its first human cast too

So here’s what happened to the Fantastic Four

What happened to the Fantastic Four movie? Seems that stories are emerging on how disastrous the whole project had been

“Gambit” movie shortlist female lead for testing

Abbey Lee, Lea Seydoux and Rebecca Ferguson will be testing for the role of Belladonna Boudreaux next week.