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Five upcoming movie sequels we really can do without

Some things just shouldn't need sequels. But unfortunately, the movie industry keeps gracing us with movies that aren't...always the best addition to their respective franchises. It...

Check out the gorgeous final Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets trailer

Luc Besson is back with another movie that looks to be one of the best visual experiences of the year. Or perhaps it'll be...

Legend of Korra to continue as a graphic novel come June 2017

With The Legend of Korra wrapping up in 2014, it looked like the end of Korra's story. But it doesn't look like its the...

James Cameron is delaying the release of Avatar sequels

It might be as late as end of 2017. Is it worth the wait?

Why The Legend of Korra matters

Erna is a major fangirl of The Legend of Korra. But beyond the awesome story and fight scenes, it's the overall message of the series that really matters to her