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Tag: EA

E3 2017: Here’s all of EA’s E3 reveal trailers in one place

EA's thrown out a whole bunch of new reveal trailers this E3, and we've put together a handy list for you to check out! Need...

Star Wars: Battlefront II trailer leaks

The debut trailer for Star Wars: Battlefront II has leaked on the internet a little earlier than its supposed reveal date. The trailer was originally...

E3 2016: Check out EA’s highlights right here

This year's E3 saw a handful of releases from EA, and we've compiled all of them for you to check out in one place....

Have a little Faith – Mirror’s Edge to come to TV

The studio behind Big Brother and The Biggest Loser is producing the female-led action series based on the free-running video game franchise Despite the game's...

New action/adventure Star Wars game announced

EA announced a Star Wars game developed by the studios responsible for Titanfall.

Titanfall 2 is a go with new teaser release

EA's first person shooter with mechs, Titanfall, is getting a sequel called (uncreatively) Titanfall 2. Time to check out the teaser

Leaked God of War 4 images show Kratos going Norse

These leaked images from Neogaf that apparently are concept are for the upcoming God of War 4 game would mean that Kratos is ditching...

Star Wars Battlefront is headed to the PSVR

EA's Star Wars shooter, Star Wars Battlefront is headed to the PlayStation VR and the VR version its going to be exclusive to Sony's...
Star Wars PS4 TM

Unifi subscribers can now pre-order the Star Wars Battlefront PlayStation 4 bundle (Updated)

(Update) The pre-order page is now live at TM's site. If you're a UNIFI Advance subscriber, you better head over quick and order it now!

Dragon Age: Inquisition Game of the Year edition announced

For those of you who were patient enough NOT to buy EA and Biowares' awesome Dragon Age: Inquisition when it first came out, now you...