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Tag: google cardboard

The Simpsons celebrates their 600th episode with VR

The Simpsons is entering their 29th Season since they started in 1989 and to celebrate their 600th episode, they've produced a unique couch gag:...

McDonalds is producing a VR headset from Happy Meal boxes

Interest in virtual reality is really in high swing with this year looking like the year VR really takes off. And now McDonalds wants...

Jakku Spy hits Android and iOS via the official Star Wars app

Disney's official Star Wars app hit Android and iOS a ways back, stuffed to the brim with all sorts of Star Wars things to...
The Mattel View-Master

The new Mattel View-Master is Google Cardboard for Kids

We're at an age when Virtual Reality is picking up a lot of steam, and Mattel has taken the oppertunity to revamp their View-Master...