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Home Tags Luc Besson

Tag: Luc Besson

Valerian: At least it’s better than Transformers

I know, I’m kinda late with this one. I could have prevented you from watching this slugfest. I’m sorry. But, judging by the Box...

Check out the gorgeous final Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets trailer

Luc Besson is back with another movie that looks to be one of the best visual experiences of the year. Or perhaps it'll be...

The first trailer for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is here

The first trailer for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is here and it has the makings of an awesome sci-fi movie....

Luc Besson is doing Valerian

Get ready, Luc Besson is back to sci-fi world with a space opera adaptation of Valerian. Oh, La La!

Geek Movie Review: Lucy

Scarlett Johansson may not be suiting up for the Avengers here, but she's still pretty bad ass in Luc Besson's new Sci-fi actioner Lucy