Tag: matt reeves
War for the Planet of the Apes crashes at the Box Office: What went...
Critics in the US got to catch War for the Planet of the Apes a few days before critics in Malaysia did. The early reviews...
Ben Affleck’s Batman script flushed down the toilet
Remember a few months ago, when everybody involved with The Batman said things are going smoothly? Remember how a lot of fans were confidently saying...
War for the Planet of the Apes review
Remember the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes movie starring Mark Wahlberg? No? Well, consider yourself lucky, buddy. Because that movie SUCKS. This new Planet of the Apes trilogy,...
Director Matt Reeves discusses possible Batman Trilogy
I just caught Matt Reeves' War for the Planet of the Apes earlier today. The review will be out soon. But I can say this:...
The Batman will be a noir thriller
Matt Reeves, director for the upcoming Solo Batman film, The Batman, says the new movie about the caped crusader will be very much a...