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James Wan to direct Robotech?

The Fast and Furious 7, Malaysian born director has been approached by Sony to helm the live-action adaptation

Bandai is releasing Turn A Gundam “Moonlight Butterfly” MG

Bandai just unleashed the 100th kit of its Master Grade line and it looks gorgeous

Metal Gear Solid movie gets its scribe

Finally there's some update on the big screen adaptation of Metal Gear Solid

Sony Pictures pick up Robotech

Sony Pictures acquired rights to Robotech. Now, let's hope it will be a good adaptation.

Heavy Object anime series planned for fall release

Another work by famous author of Railgun and Magical Index is to be animated soon. This time, it is a sci-fi military mecha genre.

Next movie in Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin named

New name title for second movie to follow up on first movie in Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin is announced. Logically, it is about the story about Sayla Mass, the love partner of Amuro Rey.

Seven minute preview of “Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin I Blue-Eyed Casval” is here

The beginning tale of Mobile Suit Gundam's most memorable character previewed in its full glory by Sunrise.

Amazon Japan is listing a real life mecha for sale

Ever dream of becoming a mecha pilot like Amuro Rey or Char Azanable? Or Shinji Ikari if you the emotional type for that matter.

Cross Ange is getting a game

The infamous fan service lesbian mecha anime Cross Ange is getting a game. Wonder if the game will feature those intimate scenes too?

Knights of Sidonia is back for second season

Tsutomu Nihei's work is receiving more love this year, namely a movie and Second Season of the Knights of Sidonia