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Home Tags Playstation 4

Tag: playstation 4

Check out all the games coming out for PlayStation VR next year

Sony recently unveiled a whole slew of new games that are going to be on their PlayStation VR virtual reality platform on the PS4....
Star Wars PS4 TM

Unifi subscribers can now pre-order the Star Wars Battlefront PlayStation 4 bundle (Updated)

(Update) The pre-order page is now live at TM's site. If you're a UNIFI Advance subscriber, you better head over quick and order it now!
Playstation 4 remote play

Sony confirms PlayStation 4 Remote Play is coming to PC and Mac

Sony has confirmed that they are in fact working on an official app to allow PC and Mac users to enjoy PlayStation 4 Remote Play...

Sony stealthily enables backwards compatibility for the PlayStation 4, told no one

Sony seems to have quietly enabled backward compatibility for the PlayStation 4 for PlayStation 2 games, and you can now play them in their...

Overwatch is coming to the PS4 and Xbox One

Attack on Titan x Monster Hunter Explore collab will bring you a steaming skinless Deviljho and a super-sized Arzuros
zangief street fighter v

Zangief returns for Street Fighter V

Our favourite oversized Russian fighter is back for Street Fighter V

Dragon Age: Inquisition Game of the Year edition announced

For those of you who were patient enough NOT to buy EA and Biowares' awesome Dragon Age: Inquisition when it first came out, now you...

The Sony PlayStation 4 is getting a price cut in the region

The Sony PlayStation 4 is getting an RM 200 price cut

Now here’s a real FPS keyboard and mouse for the PS4

Now the great question is, does it perform?

Sony shows off new Project Morpheus VR headset

Sony pops out a new version of their PlayStation 4 powered virtual reality headset Project Morpheus.