Tag: Sci Fi Movie
Red and Black Ranger have been cast for the Power Rangers movie reboot
Looks like the show is on a roll, having recently cast the new Red Ranger and Black Ranger for the movie reboot that is set...
Robert Rodriguez is rumoured to be directing Battle Angel Alita
James Cameron's long journey (15 years) to realize Battle Angel Alita or Gunnm for the big screen is apparently happening. There's also rumours of Robert Rodriguez...
Pacific Rim 2 is in progress according to del Toro
Despite the uncertainty about Pacific Rim 2, director Guillermo del Toro (Pacific Rim, Hellboy) forging ahead and tweeted that John Spaihts (Dr. Strange, Prometheus)...
Guillermo del Toro wants to cast Arya Stark in Pacific Rim 2
Guillermo del Toro wants Maisie Williams to be a Jaeger pilot in sequel if he gets the funding
The Martian Review: Fear of a Red Planet
Does Ridley Scott's film adaptation of Andy Weir's The Martian make for some good space drama? We find out