Tag: Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale
NSFW clip of Asuna appears on Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale DVD
If you were planning to snag Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale on DVD, you better not be underaged as the DVD features a VERY...
ODEX is hosting fan-screenings of Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale for Malaysia, Indonesia and...
Heads up fans, ODEX is screening Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale this 22 April!
Thankfully, despite the chances that Malaysia might be blacklisted from more...
Malaysia could be blacklisted from future anime movie releases
Due to leaked Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale video, Malaysia might have a harder time bringing in more anime movies in the future
New Sword Art Online movie to get worldwide release come 2017
A new Sword Art Online movie will be hitting the cinemas in February 2017, titled Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale, it will receive a...