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Tag: X-Men

Cable Deadpool

Here’s the first look of Josh Brolin as Cable in Deadpool 2

Finally! We'll get to see what Josh Brolin as Cable looks like

X-Men’s The Gifted TV Series will focus on bigotry

For the longest time, the X-Men comics and their adaptations have been a reflection of real world bigotry such as racism and anti-LGBT movements. About a...

X-Men’s The Gifted TV Series will focus on bigotry

For the longest time, the X-Men comics and their adaptations have been a reflection of real world bigotry such as racism and anti-LGBT movements. About a...

Wolverine is gay? Analysing LGBT elements in the X-Men film franchise

People often talk about how the piece of sh*t, sorry excuse for a movie titled Batman & Robin almost killed the comic book movie genre in...

We might be seeing Dafne Keene as X-23 again sooner than later

Logan director James Mangold has been very vocal about wanting Dafne Keene to return to the big screen as X-23. Now it would seem like X-Men...

Rosario Dawson to play classic X-Men character in New Mutants

Rosario Dawson's Claire Temple AKA Night Nurse is one of the best parts of the Netflix Marvel Universe. Now, she's in talks to play...

5 things you need to know about Marvel’s new TV series The Gifted

Today, Fox released the first official trailer of Marvel's The Gifted. Much like Legion earlier this year, The Gifted will also be based on the X-Men comics. While the trailer is...

Check out the first official trailer for X-Men TV series The Gifted

Created by the people who gave us Fargo, FX's Legion managed to receive high praise from critics for its unique, visceral take on the superhero genre. Now,...
Logan Movie

There’s definitely a post-credit scene for ‘Logan’

Keep your butts firmly in place during the end-credits of Logan as a post-credit scene for the movie has been confirmed

Fox officially orders pilot for new live-action X-Men series

Fox has ordered a pilot for a new live-action X-Men series, in partnership with Marvel. Showrunner Matt Nix will be behind the show, which is...