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Home Tags Zack Snyder

Tag: Zack Snyder

Rumour: Zack Snyder’s Justice League was unwatchable before Joss Whedon’s reshoots

For the millionth time, the plot thickens. A couple of months ago, Zack Snyder stepped away from the Justice League project due to the...

There are shades of Joss Whedon in the new Justice League trailer [SDCC 2017]

When I first clicked on the Justice League trailer and saw that it's four minutes long, I hit the pause button immediately. FOUR MINUTES?? That's pretty...

Rumour: Justice League undergoing substantial reshoots

Okay, before anyone starts panicking, let's be clear about something. Reshoots are normal. Almost every movie ever made has gone through some amount of...

Zack Snyder takes a break from Justice League to deal with daughter’s death

A lot of us have a lot of things to say about Zack Snyder. Some are diehard fanboys while others would like to stone...

Superman sequel, Man of Steel 2 is finally in the works

Warner Bros. has finally began work on the Superman sequel, Man of Steel 2 despite the poor box office reviews. Fans have been hoping for...

Willem Dafoe is the next to join the Justice League cast

Willem Dafoe is reported to be the latest actor to join the cast for the upcoming Zack Synder's Justice League films that is currently under...