Tesla Motors Inc has revealed new software that brings some aspect of autonomous driving to some of its Model S series. Called the Autopilot, this software will “assist” drivers to stay in lane, parallel parking and prevent crashes.

Today’s update increases the driver’s confidence behind the wheel with features to help the car avoid hazards and reduce the driver’s workload,” according to Tesla about the version 7 of the Autopilot. The system includes automated lane changing, automatic emergency steering and upgraded side collision warning.

TeslaWhat’s more, Elon Musk emphasizes “the whole Tesla fleet operates as a network. When one car learns something, the whole fleet learns something, uploading data to the central server, where it can be collected, do system analysis, and then feed that back into the cars. That’s the next level — and far beyond where other car companies are. Any car company that doesn’t do this will not be able to have an autonomous driving system, car should improve each week…you’ll probably notice difference after a week or a few weeks.”

Future plans will push the autonomous driving further – one day a user can just exit the Tesla car and the vehicle will park itself or the user can “summon” the car ala Batman with the Batmobile. Elon Musk muses that “…Eventually, there won’t be pedals or [steering] wheels,” Remember the cars in Minority Report?

Currently activating the software will cost US$2,500 (RM$10,300). For more details and breakdown of the Autopilot version 7, have a look here.
