Jurassic World‘s trailer took great pains not to show the looks of their new hybrid predator dino but out of nowhere, the leaked images on Imgur shows what it does look like. Oh, it’s name is Indominus Rex by the way, after Universal deciding between it or Diabolus Rex as the studio trademarked both names in advance.
How we figured it out was due to a recent toy listing that stated the name here. The director Trevorrow, gave personal assurance that the hybrid is not some “freakish mutant mix ‘n’ match dinosaur.” despite kinda looking that way.

From the image we can discern that it is a mix of T.Rex and Raptor, the main predators of earlier Jurassic movies. It has a very tough looking spines on its back and its neck is very well protected with armour plating too. This design suggest the hybrid incorporates the best attributes of predator and herbivore dinosaurs in one single package. We have no idea why it has red eyes, but maybe it can see in the dark like the alien hunters in the Predator movies? The forelimbs are definitely an improvement over the good ol’ T.Rex, with gripping claws long enough to rend anything unlucky to be caught in its grasp. The hairs on its forelimbs suggest sensitive feelers to feel around, much like cat whiskers. Perhaps another feature this hybrid is ability to blend in with the surrounding like chameleons too? Undoubtedly, this dino might have formidable intelligence just like the raptors in Jurassic franchise, able to open doors or strategize on ways to get it’s fill of human nosh.
The movie is opening in cinemas on 12 June 2015 and we shall see if the Indominus Rex will able to impress audiences worldwide or not.
Via ScreenRant
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Trailer for Jurassic World is here