If Pillars of Eternity hasn’t sucked enough of your life away, an expansion is on its way with the promise of more game hours. Titled The White March : Part 1, the game not only begins a brand new storyline, it actually picks up after the events of original game. Whether or not you are allowed to pull your old character along for the ride is debatable (for now) but the expansion also raises the level cap so you get more big bad beasties to grind on.
The story mostly revolves around relighting the White Forge to unearth the secrets of Durgan steel, which likely means new Durgan equipment and abilities to go along with it. You will also get new rogue and monk companions as well as multi-class abilities to further open up new gameplay styles.

There’s a high likelihood that the expansions will be episodic and it would be quite cool to see just how much Obsidian can cook up in the days to come. As it is, we can already be sure that there will be more than one part of The White March at the very least. No word yet when the expansion will be ready (agh!) or what the pricing will be like but hopefully it will be out soon enough.
In the mean time, lets just keep working on our Triple Crown achievement.
Check out the announcement trailer below.
via RockPaperShotgun
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