Paramount‘s movie adaptation for The Little Prince finally has a full length trailer for us outside of France. Check it out here.
The Little Prince is a movie based on the book of the same name, which in itself is a fantastic adventure told by the eccentric Aviator about well, a Little Prince. So far it looks like a pretty magical story; with an animation style very similar to that of Pixar’s more recent film Inside Out.
The Little Prince also has an awesome voice cast to bring the movie to life, with Riley Osborne as the Prince, Marion Cotillard as The Rose, James Franco as The Fox, Rachel McAdams as The Mother, Jeff Bridges as The Aviator, Denicio del Toro as The Snake. Then we have Ricky Gervais as The Conceited Man, Paul Giamatti as The Teacher, Bud Cort as The King, Albert Brooks as Businessman and Makenzie Foy as The Little Girl.
The film apparently already debuted in France; but will be hitting the US on 18 March 2016.
We’ll let the trailer explain the rest, check it out below!