Who says it doesn’t pay to be a professional gamer. At least in the field of DOTA 2, they pay off looks mighty tempting.
The International, the holy Mecca of all DOTA players worldwide. Every year the prize pool has steadily increased and this year, competing players might just hit the mother lode if they win. With a whopping prize pool of US$10 million, it’s the biggest amount of money ever seen for a competitive eSport event.
But it’s not ending at that amount yet. With another 2 more weeks to go before they end the Compendium sale, Valve could still raise more money for the tournament. If you head over to the DOTA 2 Compendium page, you’ll notice that they’ve already reached the full stretch of their goals. Don’t be surprised though if more goals were added since there’s still a whole month before the tournament starts.
Looks like eSports has certainly come a long way since its early days and hopefully this will continue on in subsequent years to come.