Twenty-four years ago, a Rayman game was being developed for the SNES but it was never completed. Years later, the project resurfaced and thanks to the work of game designer and archivist Omar Cornut, can be enjoyed by the masses.
The game isn’t complete, however, as the prototype is basically an early build of the game. As for how he got it, he basically borrowed the cartridge from developer Michel Ancel and made a dump of the game. If only everything were that easy, but props to Ancel for allowing Cornut to do so.
“I’ve been gathering odd games and prototypes for a long time through my website, so when I saw his friend found that cartridge I immediately suggested dumping it,” Cornut said.
Cornut basically runs SMS Power, a site that’s dedicated to logging and archiving old games, an endeavour that Cornut has been at since 1997.
If you’re interested in trying it out, you can grab it from Cornut’s dropbox.