UPDATE: VGL has just announced that the show will be postponed to February 2016. Full story here.
It seems Video Games Live has been off to a bit of a rocky start, as rumours have been abound that VGL Malaysia was going to be cancelled. This surfaced when tweets from 11Pass11 Director Leslie Jeyam (@Lesliejeyam) brought to light that the venue, Stadium Putra will be closed for renovations during the performance’s designated showtime. The Stadium itself hasn’t released any information on the closure so many were unsure if the rumours were true, but it was no less worrying.
Random concert cancellation is sadly not something uncommon in Malaysia, with reasons ranging from “drugs” to “religious issues” being given as the reason why the show must go on, despite being a day before the concert is to go live. Video Games Live has not come to Malaysia for over three years and fans would have been heartbroken if the show was forced to no-show yet again.
However, in a recent Facebook posting from Video Games Live co-producer Tommy Tallarico, there is a chance that the venue might in fact not be available despite being confirmed by the stadium. The show will not be cancelled (yay!) but there is a possibility that the show date might have to be moved a month or so if they cannot lock down another venue for the same day.
The organisers at 11to11 are trying to find out more and for now none of the new info is solid except for the fact that the show will be running this year no matter what.
We will be keeping our eyes peeled for any new information so stay tuned!
The full message from Tallarico can be read here.
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