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Tag: smart wearables

Levis partner with Google to release high tech biking jacket, coming 2017

The Commuter jacket contains conductive fabric which allows you to connect your sleeve with your smartphone. Google's wearable computing initiative Project Jacquard has taken form...

Check out our unboxing of the Apple Watch

We have the Apple Watch! Now check out our unboxing

Fap your way to longer battery life

A device that can charge your phone while you wank? Seriously?

Google is pulling the plug on the Glass

A major retreat for the Mountain View company, at one time Google can't seem to do anything wrong at all. Now it suffers a first major defeat.

Here’s a smart bracelet that doubles up as a phone handset

.klatz has come up with an elegant smart bracelet that won't make you look like a dork when answering calls

Finally, a smart watch for the ladies courtesy of Omate

The Omate Lutetia was made specifically with the ladies sensibilities in mind